Pro Basketball Manager 2016-RELOADED Unknown 6:30 AM PC Game Unknown Minimum Spec OS: Windows Vista Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.5GHz Memory: 3GB Hard disk space: 1GB VGA: Geforce GTX260 / Radeon HD5670 How to Install 1. Mount 2. Install Game 3. Copy crack into game folder 4. Play Donwload Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Unknown You May Like Also DiRT Rally-RELOADED Minimum Spec OS: Windows 7 64 bit Processor: Intel Core i3 series Memory: 4GB Hard disk space: 35GB VGA: GeForce GO3DX-PLAZA Minimum Specs OS: Windows Vista SP2 Processor: Intel Core2Duo E6700 Memory: 2GB Hard disk space: 1GB VGA: DirecWWE 2K16-CODEX Minimum Spec OS: 64-bit: Windows® Vista SP2 Processor: Intel i3-2105 / Phenom II X2 550 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GWindows 7 Games for Windows 8 and 10 Multilanguage v.1.1 by Eldiablo Unlike the previous versions of Windows, Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10 does not provide the default game like Wind