Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it.
What's New in ChessBase 14:
From “A” for analysis to “Z” for zugzwang, in the new ChessBase 14 program, there is a whole heap of improvements which make the entry and analysis of games all the easier, as they do the production of training or practice material.
“Assisted Analysis”: as you enter a game, whenever you click on a piece and evaluation is produced for all its possible target squares, and this is highlighted on the board in color. The function “Tactical Analysis” will insert commentary, variations, and diagrams, before strong moves or errors, into a game or an entire database. It will also annotate combinations, played in the game or missed, tries, attacks, initiative, and of course the latest in openings theory.
Other Improvements:
- Access to annotated games in the Live Database
- New game notation with diagrams and colored highlighting in encapsulated variations
- One login for all ChessBase servers (Playchess, ChessBase Cloud, Let’s Check, ChessBase Accounts)
- Saving of the search mask
- Export of the diagram list as a Word document produces training material in a jiffy
- Automatic analysis jobs for correspondence games
- Simplified production of training questions
- The search for similar structures now made interactively
- Replacing games in big databases considerably speeded up
- Improved search for doubles
- Easy use of tool to activate Fritz Trainers and Engines
- And much more.
- Pentium-PC,
- 1 GB RAM,
- Windows 7,
- DirectX9 graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive
- Windows Media Player 9 and Internet access to activate the program, ChessBase Cloud, and updates.
- PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz,
- 8 GB RAM,
- Windows 10,
- DirectX10 graphics card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or more, Windows Media Player, Adobe Flash Player (Live coverage),
- Full HD Monitor and Internet access to activate the program,
- ChessBase Cloud and updates.
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