Snappy Driver Installer or SDI is an appropriate software drivers DriverPack Solution Installer, DriverMax, Driver Magician or Driver Genius. Snappy Driver Installer is in my opinion one of the best PC Driver software detection,
Snappy difference Driver Installer vs. DriverPack Solution.
Differences between Snappy Driver Installer, DriverPack Solution lies in the speed detection as well as the composition of the program installed. Where Snappy Driver Installer is superior in terms of speed compared DriverPack Solution driver detection and other similar applications., Snappy Driver Installer is able to detect the driver needs more thorough and more precise than DriverPack Solution. As well as Snappy Driver Installer will not install applications as done DriverPack Solution! You must be aware when installing the driver using DriverPack will be available several programs that actually do not want us to install, but in the Snappy Driver Installer is no option programs. That is why the Snappy Driver Installer This is better than DriverPack Solution.
- I still recommend you to install drivers from manufacturing hardware you use, the use of Snappy Driver Installer only ultimate solution if you do not find a driver for hardware that you are looking for.
- Support Windows XP until Windows 10 Final
- Snappy Driver Installer divided two versions namely
- SDI_RXXX.exe for Windows 32-bit.
- SDI_x64_RXXX.exe for Windows 64-bit.