KelasKita | Learning Online - The place where you can learn anywhere and anytime. With social media features, allowing you to keep communicating well with other users. Make learning easier and interkatif in KelasKita.
SELECT CLASS ACCORDING TO INTEREST YOUIn KelasKita, you can learn a lot of things ranging from Programming, Languages, Automotive, Robotics, Computer Networking, Religion, and others. You can choose from dozens of categories or classes based on the level of study you. Starting from elementary, junior high, high school, collegiate or Public.
USER KELASKITAVarious people can use KelasKita, and all the features in KelasKita can be used for free. Like making classes indefinitely, making Quiz indefinitely, also features a FAQ that you can use to invite people to discuss.
FEATURE CAMPUSThe campus features that will make an educational institution, company or community in regulating the contents of education in the classroom online. Class Features which can be set into the class to be public or private class that can only be accessed by certain people. This feature can be enjoyed on the web apps for its management.
ADDITIONAL INCOMEIn addition to contributing material to create a free class, you can also make a paid class to supplement your income. Expanding the delivery of content without worrying about time and distance learning could be anytime. You can adjust the price to the content of the material you provide. Create a class paid via web apps.
CERTIFICATEGet a digital certificate that you can print with the validity of which will be stored in the database KelasKita. You can use it to support the career and improving the quality of your professional abilities.
INSTRUCTORS AND PARTNERSome teachers in KelasKita from companies and institutions of vocational kurusus renowned, such as Parang Kencana, DynEd, BTech, B.I.S.A Foundation, and Arva School of Fashion. They provide the best material for your personal development.
ALL THAT IS IN CLASS ONLINEIn online classes include material that is divided into several sections, conditional class (if any), frequently asked questions, comments, quizzes, send private messages to the instructor or teacher, and warranty if classes paid.